Thursday, May 10, 2012

Body Piercings and Their Hidden Dangers

A young woman in her 30’s with liver problems made an appointment for a CRA analysis. At one point, I asked her to point to her naval and she lifted her blouse to reveal a piercing at the edge of her naval on her center meridian. We talked and she agreed to remove it.

Her liver had pulsed or scored at a zero while wearing he piercing and pulsed at a 7 afterward, indicating 70% of her problem was from energy being detoured, short circuited, blocked, or reduced from reaching her liver.

She had approximately 15 other small piercings. They were in her ear lobes, on the upper curve of her ears on the liver points, through eebrows on both sides, and one in the left nostril. During her first visit, she removed some of her piercngs and promised to remove the rest when she got home.

When she returned for the second visit, the change in her physical appearance was dramatically different. Everything about her looked softer, friendlier, and less stressed. She relayed a story of having taken her nose ring out, thought she was breathing better, then as a test she put the nose ring back in and could not breathe at all and had to pull the nose ring out to be able to take a breath.

The following week, she complained of bloating and was visibly uncomfortable and rounder. I looked at her face and realized the right side was swollen and puffy while the left side looked normal. I asked if she still had all of her piercings out and she was quiet for a few seconds too long, then admitted she’d put one small earring back in her right eyebrow. Bingo! She removed the earring, and within 15 minutes, the bloat and puffiness were gone and she had returned to “normal”.

In this instance, the piercings or lack of them convinced this patient without any doubt how the piercings had adversely affected her health.

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